Where we are.
Today, though traveling only a little over 30 miles, I was either on the bike, birding, or both from before dawn to after dusk, leaving little time to work on the website. I am adding pictures little by little. The Sparrow, Woodpecker, and Wren sections have warranted most of my attention followed by Hawks and Ducks. If you're curious to check in, start with those. Added 23 species for the year today, including the elusive Virginia Rail and Sora. I wish my picture quality matched my excitement in seeing them, but the two do not go hand in hand. I spent a good part of the afternoon chasing the Green Kingfisher to no avail, but happily ran into a Common Yellowthroat and a few parades of Black-throated Sparrows. Can't say I wasn't pleased to see and hear a number of Green-tailed Towhees either. Anyhow, more stories and pictures to come! I found the Sinaloa Wren yesterday, and, if my legs work, tomorrow will be devoted to chasing Rufous-capped Warblers in the Huachucas. Good tidings friends!
Picture: Friendly Hepatic Tanager in Huachuca Canyon watching as we looked for the Sinaloa Wren
Pictured Bird Count: 87
Bicycle miles: 186
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